Balkan Square Drawn In Chalk

The piece, in a satirical and provocative manner, raises important questions common to the youth in the Balkans: What is their future in their homeland? Can love pay the bills and bring meaning to a world of twisted values? And ultimately – to stay or to leave?

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Balkanski kvadrat kredom

Ladies' Choice

The play addresses the problems of young people, not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina but also in the region, and underscores the question of whether the solution to the problem is going elsewhere or facing reality and taking responsibility for one's life.

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Dame biraju

Mladi iz BiH traže odgovore na jednostavna pitanja

Altteatar je i ove godine okupio mlade artiviste pružajući im platformu za zajednički rad, inspiraciju i druženje - na putu ka pozitivnim promjenama u društvu.

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Altteatrov Kongres Artivista 2024

Balkanski kvadrat kredom – aprilska turneja

Altteatrova predstava Balkanski kvadrat kredom sprema se na svoju aprilsku turneju po gradovima Bosne i Hercegovine.

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Balkanski kvadrat kredom – aprilska turneja

Act and React

To empower and inspire positive change among 300 young individuals (aged 15-25) in 6 communities. Through activities such as theater plays, drama education sessions, and activism training, the project seeks to equip participants with communication skills, including critical thinking, communication and problem-solving.

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Act and React

Youth Voices and Choices

The project aims to promote cultural awareness and artistic expression among young artists and activists, fostering dialogue, tolerance, and empathy through collaborative activities, Artivist Congresses, and local initiatives in Goražde, Kreševo, Doboj, and Bugojno. The central focus is on empowering youth through drama to break down prejudices, broaden perspectives, and facilitate personal development.

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Hoćemo l' više


Nezavisni umjetnici i aktivisti



We inspire and encourage change



Koristimo magiju teatra i umjetnosti kao snagu promjene

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Altteatar is
a place where
young people:

get to know themselves and others

think critically

build self-confidence

express themselves freely

initiate dialogue

"Thank you for making me a person of value and for giving me hope in life and faith in a better tomorrow."

"Altteatar - great motivator! Altteatar - a place of inspiration and action!"

"Altteatar supports youth initiatives and educates young people to be an inspiration to others in their communities."

"What Altteatar does actually shows us that everything is in our hands if we truly want it."

I want to convey an unstoppable sense of freedom that I gain after every workshop delivered by Altteatar to young people in my community. Freedom is still within us, and the moment we discover it is the moment we become great.

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