Home for Little Ones THALIA


To offer children and young people a high-quality cultural and social life and to direct the child's development towards a socially conscious and responsible individual, towards a more humane society, a society based on basic human values.

Area of project activities:

Children and youth

Project activity area:


The project "Home for Little Ones THALIA" emerged from the need to offer children and young people a higher quality cultural and social life, aiming to guide the child's development towards a socially aware and responsible individual, towards a more humane society grounded in basic human values. It is a society that values and accepts others, nurturing the richness of diversity inherent to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and actively participating in creating a happier, more peaceful, and wealthier Europe.

The process of creating responsible and conscious individuals, and consequently a healthier society, begins from the earliest age – from childhood. Recognizing the increasing problems of child rights violations in Sarajevo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, reflected in the rise of juvenile delinquency, neglect of children, lack of sports fields, creative spaces for play and learning, we dared to create a project called " Home for Little Ones "Thalia".

Through this center, we aim to break stereotypes and unite the richness of diversity that Bosnia and Herzegovina should take pride in. The " Home for Little Ones "Thalia" provides a space for children to express what they think, want, dream about, and the kind of society they want to grow up in. It emphasizes their right to play, learn about themselves and others, and actively express their opinions about the world around them through artistic expression. "Thalia" operates on the principle of creative-educational workshops (dramatic, artistic, sports, and ecological), creating plays and events that blend the acquired knowledge from workshops with ideas to mark important dates in the fields of ecology and children's rights.
„Thalia“ djeluje na principu kreativno – edukativnih radionica (dramskih, likovnih, sportskih i ekoloških), kreiranju predstava i manifestacija koje čine simbiozu stečenih znanja kroz radionice i ideje da se obilježe važni datumi iz oblasti ekologije i dječijih prava.

The project is implemented under the patronage of the Association "Bezdan Sprofondo" and the Association of Performing Artists "Altteatar."


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