To show the courage of people with intellectual disabilities as they face important issues in their
everyday life such as friends, their role in art, parenting and many others.
Area of project activities:
People with intellectual disabilities
Project activity area:
"There where I feel safe - This is me" - is a performance that premiered on December 9, 2014 at KŠC
on Mejtaš in Sarajevo, and was realized as part of the project "Empowerment and rehabilitation of
persons with disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina".
The protagonists, twelve people with
intellectual disabilities, on this occasion bravely face important issues such as parenting, friendship,
their role in public and artistic life, talking about their most intimate dilemmas, showing their other
selves. In return, they only expect to be noticed, to be felt, and to be recognized as an important part
of society.
Altteatar and the Federation of Organizations for Support of Persons with Intellectual
Disabilities FBiH SUMERO, and with the financial support of the USAID mission in Bosnia and
Herzegovina, hereby begin, we hope, a long-term cooperation.
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